Communication agency In Nomine assisted Elektrum in opening the largest electric vehicle charging network in the Baltic States near Balti Jaama market in Tallinn. Elektrum Drive aims to install more than 3,000 charging points by 2030, with nearly 1,000 planned for Estonia.
This year, the expected total number of registered electric vehicles in Estonia is approximately 5,700, and the current number of public charging points meets current demand for charging. Elektrum is looking ahead and preparing for a significant increase in the number of electric vehicles on our streets. In 2024, Elektrum Drive will open nearly 100 charging points in Tallinn, Tartu, and Narva. By 2027, 500 charging points are planned for Estonia, and by the end of the decade, nearly 1,000 will be established, alongside over 3,000 across the Baltic States.
Andrus Liivand, a member of the management board of Elektrum Eesti, said: “While the absolute number of electric vehicles is currently not high, it is growing at an accelerating pace and is expected to reach a significant level this decade. This requires us to establish a comprehensive electric vehicle charging network, as well as develop new business models that offer various additional services alongside electromobility services. Forecasts indicate that by 2025, there could be nearly 17,000 electric vehicles in Estonia, and by 2030, at least 50,000. Along with the expansion of electromobility, charging facilities will also expand – by 2030, every 10–15 electric vehicles will require at least one public charging point, either near offices or for faster charging on highways. In our vision, there could be at least 40,000 home charging points.”