We organized Esvika Elektri’s Oktoberfest!

What better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the electrical equipment supplier Esvika Elektri than with Oktoberfest, complete with music, entertainment, and beer?

Assisted by Schweineaxe, Bratwurst, Apfelstrudel, and other Bavarian culinary delights. The event’s dress code was Lederhosen und Dirndl, and it was adhered to splendidly! DJ Dr. Siren took guests on a virtual journey to Germany via screens, while Marko Matvere and VLÜ kept the crowd positively charged. Excitement was kept high with social and lucky games – beer crate holding, nail hammering, hay bale basketball, and popping lucky balloons. The day concluded with a magnificent drum show by the Siimus. Dr. Olof Wassenwuffel and his wonderful ladies Birgit and Katerine hosted the evening.”

Bees Have Moved to the Roof of Ülemiste Centre

Beehives were installed on the roof of Ülemiste Centre this spring. The first honey harvest has already been collected, said to be even more delicious than honey gathered from rural areas. Initially, six hives were placed on the roof, each housing 20,000 bees.

‘That’s about as many as the number of visitors to Ülemiste Centre every day,’ laughs Tiiu Nõmm, responsible for sustainable business practices at Ülemiste Centre. According to urban beekeeper Sander Noormägi, there are now even more bees on the same roof: six main colonies and four daughter colonies, each with around 50,000 bees.

The buckfast breed of bees, originating from Karusauna Farm in Väike-Maarja, which moved to the centre’s roof, are described as so calm that beekeepers can work near the hives without protective gear or smoke. Through crossbreeding, the best honey-producing traits from various lineages of buckfast bees have been combined, making them excellent foragers.

Our creative director Erik delved deeper into the process, resulting in a short film, of course: